At the beginning of August, the CZEXPERIENCE team had some very special visitors. Our friends, famous travel bloggers Bobo and Chichi, returned to the Czech Republic after being gone for more than a year. I remembered from their last visit that they were always keen on visiting less touristy places: ones that are popular with local people. This is exactly what we like to do as well. So, we met in our favorite coffee shop in Žižkov the day after their arrival. Then, as we talked over cups of lovely affogato coffee, I started planning a full-day trip for all of us for the next day. At first, it all seemed so great, but then I quickly realized that this was going to be a very difficult task!!! I had to show something great, amazing and unique to people who have traveled all over the world and seen the best spots on the planet! Even worse: I had to come up with something for people who had already spent a couple of months in the Czech Republic! They already knew the country better than any ordinary visitors. I couldn’t just show them something off the beaten path, I had to think of something really special.
The day we met was very hot! It’s been that way the whole summer this year. So, instead of suggesting a visit to a castle or a hike in a national park, I proposed that we go to Slapy Reservoir and enjoy a day on a speedboat. This is exactly what people from the Czech capital, Prague, do on hot summer days. Slapy is located about 40 kilometers south of Prague, and with its beaches and cold water, it’s one of the most popular holiday spots. I also had a small surprise for them: I planned on showing them one or two stunning viewpoints overlooking the lake after the cruise.
Our day went just fine, as you can see from our guests’ pictures below.

Bobo and Chichi© – Swimming at Slapy Lake
We all really enjoyed the boat cruise and we had fun swimming in the lake. Although there was a sudden downpour of rain during our cruise, we did not mind much and still had a great time. And the views overlooking the lake? As you can also see below, our friends simply loved them.

Bobo and Chichi© – Bend of Vltava River
You can read more about their Slapy Reservoir experience on their blog page:
The blog also includes many tips on many great places outside of Prague that are definitely worth visiting: with CZEXPERIENCE, of course.

Bobo and Chichi© – Our speedboat from above
Have a great summer!