Are you also getting the feeling that time is flying past, and that you haven’t really had a chance to reflect on the last year? Are you feeling astonished that it’s already the end of January, and the year is hurtling on full speed ahead? That’s exactly how we see it at CZEXPERIENCE.
The last season saw an amazing return of eager visitors to the Czech Republic, and thanks to this CZEXPERIENCE is back in full-scale operation. In 2022, we welcomed travelers from the US, Canada, UK, and Australia, and crisscrossed the country with them several times. On these trips we generated so many great memories that were full of joy, fun, adventure, and happiness – as you can read for yourself in some of our TripAdvisor reviews.
At the same time, we deepened our relationship with one of the oldest Czech noble families – the Lobkowiczes. I continued to promote festivals, events, and exhibitions with the House of Lobkowicz, and also managed to arrange some very special encounters for our clients with members of the Lobkowicz family themselves. We’re proud to say that CZEXPERIENCE no longer just provides customized trips and tours to cultural and heritage sites, but also meetings with real princes and princesses!
Anyone who has booked a tour with us knows very well that we treat our clients as our friends, and indeed many of them have become close companions of ours as you can see in the picture below. In November 2022, I visited New York City and Boston and met with James – an American friend for whom we organized a tour in Prague and a hiking trip to the Krkonoše mountains in 2019. You can bet that it was a magnificent reunion that was celebrated in style!

May 2023 bring many more new adventures and experiences, and more opportunities to make new friends!
Honza & the CZEXPERIENCE team